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Create a SQL function that can be called from queries to combine multiple rows into a single result row.


Access or destructure createAggregateFunction from the SQLocal client.

import { SQLocal } from 'sqlocal';

const { createAggregateFunction } = new SQLocal('database.sqlite3');


If you are using the Kysely Query Builder or Drizzle ORM for type-safe queries, you will initialize the client with a child class of SQLocal. See the corresponding setup page. Usage is the same otherwise.

This method takes a string to name a custom SQL function as its first argument and an object containing two functions (step and final) as its second argument. After running createAggregateFunction, the aggregate function that you defined can be called from subsequent SQL queries. Arguments passed to the function in the SQL query will be passed to the JavaScript step function. The step function will run for every row in the SQL query. After each row is processed, the final function will run, and its return value will be passed back to SQLite to use to complete the query.

This can be used to combine rows together in a query based on some custom logic. For example, the below aggregate function can be used to find the most common value for a column, such as the most common category used in a table of tasks.

const values = new Map();

await createAggregateFunction('mostCommon', {
	step: (value) => {
		const valueCount = values.get(value) ?? 0;
		values.set(value, valueCount + 1);
	final: () => {
		const valueEntries = Array.from(values.entries());
		const sortedEntries = valueEntries.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
		const mostCommonValue = sortedEntries[0][0];
		return mostCommonValue;

await sql`SELECT mostCommon(category) AS mostCommonCategory FROM tasks`;

Aggregate functions can also be used in a query's HAVING clause to filter groups of rows. Here, we use the mostCommon function that we created in the previous example to find which days of the week have "Cleaning" as the most common category of task.

await sql`
  SELECT dayOfWeek
  FROM tasks
  GROUP BY dayOfWeek
  HAVING mostCommon(category) = 'Cleaning'


Each function that you create will be connection-specific. If you create more than one connection using additional SQLocal instances but want to use the same function in queries sent over the other connections as well, you will need to create the function on each instance.

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