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Disconnect a SQLocal client from the database and terminate its worker thread.


Access or destructure destroy from the SQLocal client.

import { SQLocal } from 'sqlocal';

const { destroy } = new SQLocal('database.sqlite3');


If you are using the Kysely Query Builder or Drizzle ORM for type-safe queries, you will initialize the client with a child class of SQLocal. See the corresponding setup page. Usage is the same otherwise.

The destroy method takes no arguments. It will return a Promise to close the connection to the SQLite database file and then terminate the web worker that the SQLocal client uses internally to run queries.

It will also execute PRAGMA optimize on the database before closing the connection.

Call destroy if you want to clean up an SQLocal instance because you are finished querying its associated database for the remainder of the session. Avoid calling destroy after each query and then initializing a new SQLocal instance for the next query.

await destroy();


Once the destroy method is called on an SQLocal instance, any subsequent attempts to make queries through that instance will throw an error. You will need to initialize a new instance of SQLocal to make new queries.

Released under the MIT License